Academia Dominicana de la Historia - This catalog includes publications related to Dominican history produced by the Academy.
Archivo General de la Nación (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) - This catalog includes open source publications produced by National Archives.
Biblioteca Juan Bosch - This catalog lists materials available at FUNGLODE's library.
Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña - This catalog lists all resources available at the Dominican Republic's National Library. It also has a Digital Library (Biblioteca Digital BNPHU)
Centro León - This is the catalog of Centro León's Mediateca that lists available resources. Click here fo their digital books.
INTEC - This catalog includes materials published by INTEC as well as other resources available in their library.
Fundación Juan Bosch - This is a list of publications by the Juan Bosch Foundation.
Instituto Dominicano de Genealogía - This catalog includes publications related to Dominican genealogy.
Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM RD) - This site includes publications released by the institute on many aspects of Dominican migration.
Instituto Superior de Humanidades y Filosofía Pedro Francisco Bonó - The Centro Bonó library has two links, one for general information and the other for the catalog.
OBMICA - This catalog has open source publications (Spanish, English and Haitian Creole) sponsored and published by the Caribbean Migrant and Development Observatory.
Dominican Film-Video-Audio Collection is a list of the materials available in the CUNY DSI Library audiovisual collection.