Ebooks at City College
The City College collection links to nearly 700,000 ebooks for the 2022-2023 academic year. Below is an example of how to identify an ebook. The best way to discover ebooks is by searching OneSearch.
Identify an Ebook in OneSearch
OneSearch records for ebooks say Available Online in green. Below are the search results for two different copies of William Crain's Theories of Development: concepts and applications. The first brief record is for an ebook and the second is for a physical copy located on the shelf. The ebook record says Available Online with a link symbol. The record for the physical book gives the location Available at Cohen Library Cohen Reserves with the alpha-numeric call number.

Click the link in the full record
Click onto the title to see the full record. Where it says View Online Try a link below! is the link to the database where you can read, download chapters for printing, or borrow the book.