This link will download the latest releases of EndNote. Make sure you have the Product key (linked below the video on this page).
EndNote X20 for City College
Follow the link below the video to download a zip file that contains copies of EndNote X20 for Windows or Mac as well as a Product Key to unlock the app. You will also find a link to download instructions.
Download the zip file containing EndNote installers for Mac & PC as well as a product key.
This page also includes a link to download instructions.
EndNote X20 Features
EndNote is reference management software with features to—
Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library.
Synchronize your references between up to three of your personal computers, an online library, and your iPad or iPhone through EndNote Sync. (You must be the owner and user of all three computers.)
Set up a library sharing team and effortlessly collaborate with up to 400 co-authors and colleagues.
Cite your references in word processing documents to create formatted citations and bibliographies or independent reference lists.