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LibKey at CCNY Libraries

LibKey is a powerful suite of services that simplifies and accelerates access to CCNY's Library-licensed content from any point of discovery.

LibKey Discovery logo and Libkey Link logo
The LibKey Discovery and Libkey Link services work behind-the-scenes while you do research.
LibKey Discovery lives in City College's OneSearch instance and provides single-click access to full-text articles as well as cover images for journals.
LibKeyLink provides that same one-click service to the Find It Button. Currently LibKey Link is connected to PubMed as of December 2020 and will be activated on all of CCNY's databases that include open-url by early 2021.

LibKey Nomad logo

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that identifies and allows access to CCNY-subscribed articles on the web.
When you land on a page that contains City College-subscribed content, a Libkey Nomad icon appears in the lower left-hand corner of your browser that allows you to click into the PDF.
It works great on journal publisher sites like Taylor and Francis. It even identifies active links on Wikipedia.
Go to the LibKey Nomad link at (also below) to download the extension to your web browser.

Choose City College of New York- CCNY, CUNY as your school and activate the extension while you browse the web.

LibKeyNomad screenshotLibkey Nomadicon logo is a DOI/PMID-only search page for City College holdings. 
Go to CCNY’s  DOI and PMID search page  at to check for full-text access using only the Digital Object Identifier or PubMed IDentifier.

CCNY's page

You can also use CCNY's address as a prefix to any DOI or PMID and paste into your web browser's address bar to check for access.
DOI: 10.1080/10401334.2020.1730183

CCNY Libraries Administration
160 Convent Ave
North Academic Building
Room 5/333
New York, NY 10031

CCNY Accessability Center

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