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CCNY Libraries are open regular hours. Access is limited to CCNY ID holders only.

Medical Library

Medical Library townsend harris hall

The CUNY School of Medicine Library, which is entirely virtual, supports the school’s undergraduate and graduate-level students, faculty, and staff. The library provides access to online collections of research guides, medical e-journals, e-books, searchable medical/biomedical databases, and information professionals available to assist with everything from basic searches, to more in-depth consultations, to information literacy class sessions. In addition, the medical library also hosts online events open to the CUNYMed community and beyond.


Please contact a librarian if you have any questions or would like assistance using the library’s resources or with any of the following tasks:

  • Using subscription electronic resources
  • Locating relevant articles or books
  • Researching topics of interest
  • Receiving customized literature searches and bibliographies

Interlibrary loan information can be found on our Services page