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World Humanities

This course guide is for Prof. Philip Clark's World Humanities classes.

The Midterm Assignment

Based on ONE of the texts from WEEK 2-6, choose a subject to write about. It can be

  • a Character Study of one or more characters;
  • an analysis/comparison of themes in any text such as:
    • family relationships
    • omens and magic
    • crime and justice
    • wars and peace
    • Xenia
    • idols and gods
    • religion and spirituality, etc.

NOTE:Since this assignment will help you develop a final paper, make sure you choose a text that you feel you enjoyed enough and have a thorough understanding of its characters, plot, and themes. 

Required Resources

A) ONE REFERENCE BOOK: (Print) Any of the reference books in the CCNY Library that would have information about your literary subject. NOTE THE LLC Number of the book. See this link for examples.

B) ONE CRITICAL STUDY OF YOUR MAIN SUBJECT: (Print). This includes ANY book or collection of essays that explore the subject you are writing about: I.E. Books that focus on the Author or the specific texts we have read in class — Homer and the Odyssey; Dante and the Inferno; Creation Myths, etc. NOTE THE LLC Number of the book.

C) ONE ONLINE PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL (Include the link in your paper): Using the CCNY online databases, search for articles in JSTOR, or Gale Literature that pertain to the subject you wish to write about.

D) ONE ONLINE ARTICLE OR ESSAY: This can be from an internet search, but the article must NOT be from someone’s blog — it must be from a scholarly website, or university/college website. (.edu).