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Dominican Studies: Sites, Blogs & Reports

Links to useful sources in the interdisciplinary field of Dominican Studies.

Dominican-Related Sites & Reports Featuring Dominican Content


Cinema Tropical - This is a New-York Based non-profit media arts organization with the mission of distributing, programming and promoting Latin American cinema. It includes information about Dominican films.

Dominican Film Festival - "The Dominican Film Festival celebrates the best in Dominican cinema with the goal to enrich the artistic experience of New York's diverse cultural audience."

Latin American and Spanish Videos Freely Available on the Internet: A Guide to Web Sources - "This guide brings together a selection of web resources that provide access to freely available videos, representing the great variety and diversity of Latin American and Spanish video production on the Internet."

Pelidom - This platform provides access to Dominican films, series, and documentaries by paid subscription.

Queer Latine Voices at Teatro Pregones -  "This film explores how a new millennium for queer identity, expression and storytelling took shape in the South Bronx in the early 2000s. It features interviews with award-winning Latine playwrights, artists and activists."


Border of Lights - "A group of artists, activists, students, teachers, and parents have come together to breathe life to a tragedy [1937 Haitian Genocide] long forgotten, for some, a tragedy they never knew took place."

In Cultured Company - This organization's mission is to "sow the seeds of peace, conflict resolution, reconciliation, collaboration, healing and dialog in young black and Latinx leaders in order to move from a divided past towards a shared future." It provides services to the Haitian-Dominican communities. - (This link goes to their Facebook page). "A movement that campaigns for citizenship rights and equality for all Dominicans of Haitian descent, mobilizes and empowers marginalised communities, and accompanies people who need legal support to access their documents."

We Are All Dominican - "This is a collective of students, educators, scholars, artists, activists, and community members of Dominican and Haitian descent residing in New York City [...] formed in October 2013 in the aftermath of a decision by the Dominican Constitutional Tribunal to revoke the citizenship of Dominicans born to undocumented immigrant parents, the vast majority of whom are of Haitian origin." 

Nos Cambió la Vida | Our Lives Transformed - "This is a digital edition of short autobiographical narratives written by Dominican writers of Haitian descent that have been translated into English." 


Cielo Naranja - This website contains information on Dominican literature, social issues, and culture in general. It provides digital access to Dominican contemporary and historical texts.

Dominican Writers Association - Dominican Writers Association is a platform dedicated to supporting and promoting the works by creative writers of Dominican descent in the genres of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.


ESENDOM - "This website is a bilingual cultural magazine that blends the beauty of Dominican culture with current and past social issues that affect the Dominican community today, examining these areas of concern and putting them into perspective."

Spanglish Voces - "It provides a platform for emerging and established writers and artists in need of a space to express their voices." The site features Dominican writers and content.


The Healers Project - This project features interviews with women healers in rural and urban communities in the Dominican Republic, the Pacific Northwest, Cuba and Puerto Rico.


Dominican Abroad - This platform includes information about travel, culture, and lifestyle guides, as well as community social projects in the Caribbean created by Gerry Isabelle, a Dominican American blogger from New York City. Their the hosts of the Dominican Heritage Tour. 

Afrohistoria RD - Project aimed to promote Black History through immersive and educational experiences. A project of Ruth Pion. 


Transnational Dominican Activism: Documenting Grassroots Social Movements through ESENDOM - is a culmination of the work by photographers, writers, artists, and activists who have captured transnational Dominican activism between 2009 and 2020. This exhibit provides a glimpse into one aspect of Dominican culture as documented by ESENDOM’s team of collaborators including Amaury Rodríguez, John Carrero, Lorena Espinoza Peña, Emmanuel Espinal, and Nelson Santana.

Social Movements

Dominican Blogs


Cocina Dominicana/Dominican Cooking - "This award-winning blog is devoted to sharing a collection of traditional Dominican and Dominican-inspired recipes, home ideas, and crafts." 


Sambumbia - Dominican-Caribbean Genetics and Genealogy - This blog is written by Gerald Alexander López Castellanos, who  has been avidly researching his own family history through genealogy, genetics, and oral history.

Introduction to Dominican Republic Genealogy - This is a New York Public Library research guide written by former Library Page Jasmin Rymer. It shares resources for genealogy research related to individuals from the Dominican Republic.


Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (BNPHU) - This section of their site provides information on acquisitions, events and bibliographical news at the BNPHU Library in the Dominican Republic.


100 Años de Hilma Contreras - This blog by the Department of Social Communication at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), is dedicated to the work of Dominican writer Hilma Contreras.

Buena Lectura - News and literary criticism of Dominican authors and others.

Hostos Review/Revista Hostosiana is the Latin American Writers Institute’s multilingual journal devoted to showcasing and disseminating contemporary literature by Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Latina/o, and Ibero-American writers in Spanish, English, and other languages.


"10 Preguntas" is a YouTube channel created by Dominican musician Junior Cabrera where he interviews personalities of Dominican merengue and popular music.  

Discolai- is an online music magazine based on the alternative music scene in the Dominican Republic. 

El Rincon de Ismael Hernandez Guerrero - This is a blog by Dominican record collector and musicologist Ismael Hernández Guerrero who shares information on the music and culture from the Dominican Republic. 

La Música y Rossy- This blog is by Dominican musicologist Rossy Díaz who shares her perspectives on music utilizing the country's musical diversity as one of many reference points. 

Merengue Típico - This bilingual website was formerly known as "" in 2001.The site was a collaboration between accordionist David David and ethnomusicologist Sydney Hutchinson, the goals were to provide information to fans of the music and publicity for típico musicians. 

Jazz en Dominicana - This blog is dedicated to promoting the talents of the jazz genre in the Dominican Republic and abroad.

Juan Colón Music - This blog is by Dominican saxophonist Juan Colón who provides a window to value and respect the Dominican musical talents and creations from the Dominican Republic.

Sociedad Dominicana de Estudios de la Música - This blog is an online archive of information about the study of music in the Dominican Republic. 


Bao RadioBao Radio with Micaela Tolentino and Rubén Lamarche is a radio program based in the Dominican Republic and New York City in partnership with MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network). The program discusses various topics, including culture, the arts, and current events. The show is known for its engaging dialogue and insightful commentary, which leverage its hosts' unique perspectives and expertise.


Rocio and Mercedes- This podcast is hosted by two Afro-Dominican artists on a journey of self-discovery and embracing their African heritage. Their platform explores topics such as hair, history, immigration, colorism, body image, Caribbean culture in the arts, and more.

Tambora Dialogues- "Tambora Dialogues is a podcast created by three Latine activists representing Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Republica Dominicana, to honor our rich Latine history and renativize ourselves by decolonizing all aspects of our lives. We invite guests to join our Drum Circle every two weeks and engage in honest talk that reconnects our community with our ancestral values and with each other."