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CCNY Libraries are open regular hours. Access is limited to CCNY ID holders only.


Conduct in CCNY Libraries

The City College Libraries provide a quiet and pleasant atmosphere for all those trying to study or do research. It is important that ALL on campus cooperate to create and maintain a place where serious scholarly and creative research can take place. It is important that those who have no other place that they can count on for quiet study areas can count on the City College Libraries to provide this quiet study space.

While the majority of complaints that we receive from library users trying to study in the City College Libraries relate to Cohen Library, these regulations apply to all facilities, and have been developed in cooperation with the Student Government, the Office of Student Affairs and Campus Security:

  • No open food will be allowed anywhere in the libraries. Anyone found with open food anywhere in the libraries will be subject to penalties and/or disciplinary action. Anyone in violation of the libraries’ food policy will be reported to the Office of Student Affairs for possible disciplinary action.
  • The fourth and fifth floors of Cohen Library are designated as QUIET STUDY FLOORS. The area adjacent to the Reference Desk in the Science/Engineering Library is reserved for QUIET STUDY. This means that no group discussions or group study should take place in these areas. If you need to participate in group study involving group discussion, you must go to either the second or third floor of the Cohen Library or to the group study area in the Science/Engineering Library. Complaints of repeated disturbances will be referred to the Office of Student Affairs for disciplinary action.
  • Loud, boisterous activity is inappropriate anywhere in the libraries. Group study/discussions in the libraries should be undertaken with consideration for others using the libraries for their study. Complaints for repeated disturbances will be referred to the Office of Student Affairs for disciplinary action.
  • The libraries are not an appropriate place for couples to engage in close intimate behavior. Couples engaging in this type of behavior will be asked to leave the libraries and may be subject to further disciplinary action.
  • The glass main entrance to Cohen Library, on the second floor of the NAC Rotunda, and the exit on the first floor in the Tech Center, are the only authorized entrances and exits. Use of any other entrance or exit, except during an emergency evacuation, is a violation of College policy. Anyone using an unauthorized exit will be subject to disciplinary proceedings and could be arrested.
  • Library users should keep their personal belongings with them at all times. Even if you need a bathroom or snack break, take your possessions with you!