Using the SPH Library
Accessing Material
- Visit the SPH Library Resource Guide for details on public health databases, journals, citation management, literature reviews, and other research resources.
- Use CCNY OneSearch or visit the CCNY Libraries Database A-Z list for a complete list of available databases.
- Click here for a short tutorial on SPH Library resources and services.
- Click here for a short tutorial about logging into Library databases as an SPH student.
Research Help
For inquiries on the available resources or for reference assistance, please contact the SPH Librarian Rosemary Farrell at
You can also
For SPH credential issues related to logging in to use databases, please contact SPH IT at
- The SPH campus has computers for student use. There are 3 in the 7th floor study lounge (room 704), 4 in the 5th floor common area, and about 20 in room 707 which serves as a computer lab when there are no classes being held there.
*These computers require logging in with your SPH credentials: email and domain password.
- The above mentioned locations are open with the school's regular hours of operation, Monday -- Thursday, 8am-9pm. Please see the school's Public Safety page for more information on accessing the SPH campus.
Copy, Print, Scan
- Printing can be done from any computer on campus (including personal devices) by using the SPH PaperCut account (see below). All print jobs will be sent to the printers in either the 5th or 7th floor lounges.
- The 5th floor common area printer also has scanning and copying capabilities.
- Students can also scan material by using the free CamScanner app and your device's camera. CamScanner converts scans to high-res images.
Using the SPH PaperCut account:
Login with your SPH credentials at: to print from on-campus computers and personal devices that are connected to the SPH WiFi. You will be prompted with instructions for uploading your documents from there.
Printing this way can only be done for PDFs and images. To print word documents, please first save it as a PDF.
All active students are granted $35 in printing credits at the beginning of every term (Fall, Spring, Summer). Printing costs $0.03 per impression (2 sides of the same page = 2 impressions).