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Staff Spotlight: Rhonda Hicks

by Philip Barnett on 2022-11-15T11:23:56-05:00 in CCNY History | 0 Comments

Staff Spotlight: Rhonda Hicks

When students, faculty and staff enter the Science/Engineering Library, they see a relaxed person with a pleasant smile who greets and serves everyone equally with warmth and respect regardless of their title.

Behind her gracious, affable manor is a dedicated hard-working employee. Her job entails many responsibilities in the Science/Engineering Library; hiring, training, supervising, and scheduling student help always calculating their working hours to accommodate both when they are available, and keeping within our student help budget.

Rhonda accomplishes this exacting scheduling while always keeping in mind that her student's first priority is education with their need to attend their classes. She is always flexible and understanding when our student employees need last minute time off from the library to adequately study. On numerous occasions Rhonda has stayed late to cover for students who could not work.

In addition she is responsible for running the circulation, reserve, and shelving projects in this library. From 2011, the year she came to the Science/Engineering Library, Rhonda shared many of these responsibilities with another co-worker until they retired in November 2020. Since then Rhonda has admirably and efficiently handled all this work by herself. Only recently have we been able to hire a second College Office Assistant.

During the COVID-19 campus shutdown, Rhonda seamlessly created a way to do all of her necessary duties off campus. In addition to her regular duties, she is a team player and is always willing to help out her co-workers.

CUNY Job History

I started as a College Assistant at the Graduate Center in the Office of Human Resources in 1997. I took the COA test in 1999 and was hired at City College.  The first department I worked in was Chemical Engineering.  In 2002 I worked in Human Resources until coming to the Science & Engineering Library in 2011.


I was born and raised in Harlem, NY until 2014 when my husband and I had our first home built and we relocated our family to Orange County, NY.  I am happily married with four beautiful kids, three amazing grandsons and my loving dog RJ who I call Puppykins. My family is life’s greatest blessing to me.

Since working in the Science and Engineering Library I have had the privilege of working with amazing chief librarians and professors.  Not only are they diligent and knowledgeable mentors they are empathetic and kind to their employees.  Working in the library has given me a chance to work with dedicated and dependable co-workers, who I can now call my friends.

I also love working with my students, they teach me as much as I ever taught them.  From the different backgrounds we come from to the different daily lives that we live, it is all an amazing learning and growth experience.  My students and I have a good relationship and they know they can talk to me about any issues and I will do my best to assist them or point them in the direction of someone who can. The library is my home away from home.


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