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Welcome, Daisy!

by Sarah Cohn on 2020-08-28T10:55:00-04:00 in CCNY History, History, Latin American and Caribbean Studies | 0 Comments

CCNY Libraries Gets New Interim Chief Librarian

Starting September 1, 2020, CCNY Libraries will welcome Associate Professor Daisy Domínguez as Interim Chief Librarian.

Daisy has been at CCNY since 2006, when she started as a Reference Librarian. Her most recent role within the library was that of Information Literacy Librarian, where she was responsible for coordinating all library instruction, as well as keeping librarians informed of pedagogical best practices.

She is a Brooklyn native with strong family ties to Ecuador, an avowed animal lover and vegan, and has run three marathons. Daisy is fully bilingual in Taida, Aveena, Daisy, NildaSpanish and English, is conversant in Kichwa, and has reading level skills in Portuguese, Italian, French, and Japanese. Her favorite fruits include watermelon, tamarind, mango, and figs. She currently has 2 cats, Fuzzy and Ñavi. 

Daisy has a BA in Latin American Studies from NYU, an MLS in Library Science from Long Island University, and an MA in History from City College. Her particular area of interest is Latin America, specifically of building collections of music and film from indigenous and Latin American cultures. She created the online resource Teach With Music & Film to encourage the use of audiovisual material in the teaching of history, and has taught in the History Department at both Pace University and City College.

I interviewed Daisy about libraries, librarianship, and taking a leadership role during a pandemic. The following has been edited for clarity.

What do you like best about being a librarian?
Specifically, I like collection development and teaching, but overall, I enjoy the variety within the discipline. Librarianship is always changing, and being a librarian is never boring. We have to be prepared to answer questions about a huge range of topics to meet the information needs of a variety of people, so we get to know a little bit about a lot of different things, and are trained to think holistically. Librarians tend to be jacks of all trades, and people come to the field from so many different backgrounds, there is always something interesting under the surface of a librarian.

What are you looking forward to as Interim Chief Librarian?
I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone who works in the library a bit better, to really dig into their strengths and the roles they play in keeping CCNY Libraries functioning. I plan on listening to what people think the library needs, and working to incorporate those ideas to keep the library moving forward.

Talk about taking on this job during COVID.
COVID has upped the ante on taking a leadership role in a time of change and uncertainty. I need to be able to navigate leading a department during a time of collective trauma, and working to balance the desire we all have to return to ‘normal’ with the desire to keep our community safe. It is a big hurdle, but it also makes future challenges easier to handle in comparison. If I can deal with this, I can deal with anything.

You can find Daisy on Twitter @daisilla

Thanks Daisy! We wish you well in your tenure as Interim Chief Librarian, and look forward to the future of CCNY Libraries under your leadership.

Image: From left to right: Taida, Aveena, Daisy, and Nilda at the Library Lavender Week Table.

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