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This guide provides descriptions of commonly used library resources relating to psychology.

Finding Full-text Tests & Surveys

Most tests and surveys are under strict copyright protection, therefore you are unlikely to find the full set of test/survey questions available in a research article. To get the full-text test/survey, you will have to find the publisher of the test and see how much it will cost. Usually there is a tiered-payment structure. Students who do not plan to publish the results of the test/survey may get discounted pricing.

Mental Measurements Yearbook is a resource that allows you to search descriptions of tests and surveys. It also includes publisher information.

If you don't plan on publishing the results of your survey/test and can't afford to pay, you may find a free survey/test available online. ERIC Assessment and Evaluation Clearinghouse test locator allows you to search for free tests.


Tests & Measures in ERIC

ERIC is one of the few databases where you can find the full set of test questions used in a study. The reason ERIC is able to publish the full test & questionnaires is that government funded research requires full-access by the public. To search for tests & questionnaires in ERIC, select Tests/Questionnaires in the Publication Type search field.

Create Your Own Survey is place where you can watch videos of professional psychologists talk about the research process. The site also provides a free survey tool that will help you create a survey for your research.