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Government Documents

SuDocs Classification

The SuDocs numbering system is a classification system that groups publications by the same government author. Keep in mind that SuDoc numbers are grouped by agency, not subject.

All SuDocs call numbers begin with a capital letter or letters representing a government department or agency.

For example, if one were looking for the following title, Air Quality in the National Parks on the shelf, the Sudocs call number for this title is I 29.2: AI7/3.

(I) stands for the Department of the Interior

(I 29) is the Sudocs classification for the National Parks Service

(I 29.2) the number after the decemal point indicates the type of publication. In this case (.2) is a general publication. Keep in mind that the number after the decemial point is not a decimal, but rather a whole number

(I 29.2: AI7/3) the number after the colon represents individual book numbers, dates, or can be a letter and number. In this example the number after the colon is a cutter number which is used when there is no numbers to identify the publications and dates are not appropriate for identification.

If you want to test your sudoc prowless try the quizes from Michigan State University at

Location of Government Documents at CCNY

Most of the CCNY Government Documents are in either the Government Documents room, the Government Document Map Drawers or among the U.S. Serial Set on the 2nd floor of the Cohen Library, but if the Su Doc call number begins with any of the below Letter/Number combinations, the document is in the Science Library across Convent Avenue in the Marshak Building in the Science and Engineering Library.
A 57 National Resources Conservation Service docs
C 13 National Institute of Standars & Technology docs - NIST
C 51 National Technical Information Service docs
C 55 National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration docs - NOAA
D 103 Army Corps of Engineers docs
D 206 Naval Medicine & Surgery Bureau docs
D 213 Naval Observatory docs
E 1 Energy Department docs
E 3 Energy Information Administration docs
EP 1 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) docs
EP 2 EPA Water Office docs
EP 4 EPA Air & Radiation docs
EP 5 EPA Office of Prevention, Pesticides & Toxic Substances docs
EP 6 EPA Radiation & Indoor Air docs
EP 7 EPA Technology Transfer docs
FE 1 Old number for Federal Energy Administration docs
GS 12 Federal Technology Services docs
HE 20 Health & Human Services docs
HE 22 Health Care Financing Administration docs
I 19 Interrior Department docs
I 28 Bureau of Mines docs
I 49 Fish & Wildlife Service docs
NAS 1 National Aeronautics & Space Administration NASA docs
NS 1 National Science Foundation docs
SI 1 Smithsonian Institution docs

Sudocs Call Number System

Here is an outline of the Sudocs Call Number System:

A    Agriculture

AE  National Archives

B    Broadcasting Board of Governors

C    Commerce

CC   Federal Communications Commission

CR   Civil Rights Commission

D     Defense

E     Energy

ED   Education

EP   Environmental Protection Agency

FA   Fine Arts Commission

FCA  Farm Credit Administration

FHF  Federal Housing Financing    

FM    Federal Mediation and Conciliation

FMC  Federal Maritime Commission

FR     Federal Reserve System

FT     Federal Trade Commission

FTZ  Foreign-Trade Zones Board

GA   Government Accountability Office

GP   Government Printing Office

GS   General Services

HE   Health & Human Services

HH   Housing & Urban Dev.

HS   Homeland Security

I      Interior

ID   US Agency for International Development

ITC  International Trade Commission

J     Justice

JU   Judiciary

L     Labor

LC   Library of Congress

LR    National Labor Relations

MS   Merit Systems Protection

NAS  National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NC   National Capital Planning Commission

NCU  National Credit Union Administration

NF    National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities

NMB  National Mediation Board

NS    National Science Foundation

OP    Overseas Private Investment Corporation

P     Postal Service

PE    Peace Corps

PM    Personnel Management Office

PR   Presidency

PREX Exec. Office of President

PRVP Vice President of the United States

RR    Railroad Retiremenet Board

S     State

SBA  Small Business Administration

SE   Small Business Administration

SI    Smithsonian

SSA  Social Security

T     Treasury

TD    Transportation

TDA  U.S. Trade and Development Agency
VA    Veterans Affairs Department

X     Congress
Y     Congress