Ei Compendex part of Engineering VillageEi Compendex is the broadest and most complete engineering literature database available in the world with over 29.6 million records from 73 countries across 190 engineering disciplines. Every record in Ei Compendex is carefully selected and indexed using the Engineering Index Thesaurus so engineers can be confident information is relevant, complete, accurate and of high quality. Ei Compendex has 4000. journals, 117 trade magazines, 10.3 million papers from conference proceedings, 159 book series, and articles in press from 1,261 journals. Ei Backfile provides 1.78 million records from 1884-1969. Most of the material indexed is more appropriate for senior or higher-level students and researchers, but some material (magazine articles, etc.) may be useful for lower-level students and researchers. Set up a username and password with your City College email.