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Poster Presentations

A small collection of resources about Poster Presentations

Search Strategies

Search Strategy

You have chosen a topic for an article or presentation. Now comes the fun part, finding materials to support your main point or claim you want to make (also known as the thesis statement).


Here are some steps to get you started on a productive search.

1 Preliminary Search

Before you begin, find some general information about your topic.

Take brief notes.

Why do a preliminary search?

You already know something about your subject.  You want to expand your knowledge and identify details about your topic so that you can refine your search.


Where to search

  • Google or wikipedia
  • Gale Virtual Reference or Oxford Reference at


What to look for

  • Facts about your subject
  • Names of people, places, and things related to your subject



  • Facts and figures
  • Experts and organizations
  • Terms related to your subject
  • Events related to your subject
  • Articles you may want to read later - copy the title, publication, and URL.



  • 2 - 10 minutes


Reading Speed

  • Skimming or speed reading



2 Search or New York Times - Historical Edition

Search the New York Times to find big stories and recent news about your subject.


Why search the New York Times?

The New York Times is the largest circulating newspaper in the country. Stories are carefully assigned and edited for accuracy. The tone is serious and opinions are clearly identified. Subjects from all fields and disciplines are reported in the New York Times. Stories about scholarly subjects always identify experts and organizations and often include mention of studies and links to original research.


Where to search

  • New York Times - Historical Edition at


What to look for

  • Most recent stories about the subject.
  • Bigger (more than 300 words) stories related to your subject
  • Terms and formal names related to your subject
  • Names of people and organizations
  • Mentions of other written works
  • Links to research and studies



  • Establishing the scope of your subject - big or small, current or historical etc...
  • Facts and figures
  • Names of experts and organizations
  • Articles from the NY Times stories and any outside links you may have found



  • 2 - 10 minutes


Reading speed

  • Skimming - Normal


3 Gather Keywords

Look at your notes.

Write down keywords related to your subject.


Identify 5 Ws and 1H

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why
  • How


4 Search in OneSearch 

OneSearch looks across many of the City College Library’s scholarly databases.

It is a great place to search to find articles and books.


Go to Advanced Search in OneSearch

Type your main subject in the top field. Add Keywords or phrases in the fields below.

Start with main subjects and terms and filter your results as you go along.


What to look for

  • Articles and/or books  that match your subject as closely as possible
  • Links to related works
  • The list of References or Works Cited at the end of each article for even more useful items



  • Download 3-5 items that will help you with your project
  • Generate a citation for each item that you download



  • 15 minutes or more


Reading speed

  • Focused reading


Additional Search Tips

  • Filter and narrow your search as needed
  • Use wildcard * to target multiple versions of a word or concept
    • For: economy or economics or economist
    • Use: econom*
  • Consider the types of information you need
    • General
    • News
    • Peer-reviewed or scholarly
    • Data or statistics


Give yourself time

Allow the time it takes to search, read, and organize your information.