The patron who checks out the equipment is solely responsible for its safe return in good condition and will be held financially liable for theft, loss, or damage. Equipment must be checked in by a library staff member. Library staff will verify that the equipment was returned in good condition and that no accessories are missing.
CCNY Spitzer School of Architecture students, faculty, and staff are responsible for all materials checked out on their CCNY Library account. Patrons assume the responsibility of keeping track of due dates and returning materials on time. If an item is lost or damaged, the library should be contacted immediately.
If equipment is overdue, we will make three attempts to contact you by phone and e-mail. If we do not hear from you after these attempts, the full replacement costs of the equipment will be assessed to your library account and CUNYFirst.
The CCNY Spitzer School of Architecture provides laptops and A/V equipment for current architecture students, faculty, and staff via the SSA Reservation Desk (Room 102). Equipment and space requests can be made through an online booking system. Laptops are internally equipped with WiFi for use where wireless access exists. All laptops are loaded with the architectural software that is currently installed in SSA Computer labs: 37 software, and 13 Rhino Plugins. Library staff are NOT IT technicians, and will not provide any technical support at time of checkout. For IT support, contact Architecture IT at 212-650-7534 or
Please understand that the SSA Reservation Desk staff may require that you show a valid CCNY ID to have equipment released to you.
For any questions you may have, please contact ArchIT at or 212-650-7534.
The guidelines above are written in the ArchIT Student Handbook. For more information, access the handbook here.