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Center for Worker Education Library

City College Downtown Satellite Campus

Chief Librarians at CCNY (1852 to Date)

2023-.......  Dr. Mario H. Ramirez
2021-2023 Lon Mendelsohn [Acting]
2020-2021 Daisy Dominguez [Acting]
2015-2020 Charles Stewart
2014-2015 Charles Stewart [Acting]
1996-2014 Pamela R. Gillespie  
1992-1996 Ruth Henderson [Acting]
1991-1992 Wilson Luquire  
1989-1991 Barbara J. Dunlap [Acting]
1982-1989 Ann Knight Randall  
1981-1982 Marsha Horowitz Ra  
1979-1981 Margaret Kenny 
1975-1979 Virginia N. Cesario
1974-1975 Virginia N. Cesario [Acting]
1962-1974 Bernard Kreissman
1961-1962 Yerchanik Iskendarian [Acting]
1945-1961 Jerome K. Wilcox
1930-1945 Francis L.D. Goodrich 
1917-1930 Homer C. Newton (Professor of Classical Languages)  
1916-1917 Henry Evelyn Bliss [Acting] (Library Department)
1874-1916 Charles G. Herbermann (Prof. of Latin Lang. & Lit.) 
1870-1874 John Thomas Cuming (Librarian & Registrar)     
1869-1870 N.W. Blunt 
1863-1869 John H. Chambers (Librarian & Registrar)
1857-1863 Joseph O. Nodyne (Librarian & Registrar)
1853-1857 Joseph Graeff Barton (Prof. of English Lang. & Lit.)
1852-1853 Charles Edward Anthon (Prof. of History & Belles Lettres)                                   

The first nine Chief Librarians held other appointments in the College, a common practice in the nineteenth century. Although the profession of librarianship was well established by the turn of the century, City College did not appoint its first chief librarian with degrees in library science and experience in administering a library until 1930. Appointed in 1930 by President Frederick B. Robinson,Francis L.D. Wilcox was the Library's first full time administrator. From this date on the director of the Library has held the title of Chief Librarian and the rank of professor.

Special thanks to Professor Sydney Van Nort - CCNY Library Archivist.