Student-created animations produced by the bio-animation group at the City College of New York to aid biology faculty members in delivering class instructions. More information available through collection website.
Images scanned from books and copywork as well as original slides for teaching and research at the City College of New York.
A project funded by the Bernard and Anne Spitzer Travel Fellowship for research projects involving travel abroad and incorporating the study of architecture, landscape architecture, or urbanism. More information available through collection website.
An online set published by the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York (CCNY) including the selected declassified papers of former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who served between January 1997 and December 2006. More information available through collection website.
An online set published by the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York (CCNY) including the selected declassified papers of former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who served between 2007 and 2016. More information available through collection website.
This collection of ephemeral flyers, newsletters, and news articles were circulated at The City College of New York (CCNY) primarily between 1934 and 1936, with some items created and circulated as late as 1941. More information available through collection website.
Collections of scanned archival photographs from the City College of New York (CCNY) Archives & Special Collections. Current sub-collections include Athletic Programs, Luminaries, Student Life & Activities from 1847, Student Protests, and Commencement Ceremonies.
Oral history interviews produced by CCNY Professors James V. Hatch and Camille Billops to document the experiences and opinions of Black artists from a variety of disciplines. More information available through collection website.
A set of archival audio recordings, course documents, audio transcripts, and newspaper clippings from former City College of New York (CCNY) professor, musician, and composer Ravi Shankar. More information available through collection website.
This exhibit is a display highlighting the experiences and contributions of the New York Dominican population using primary source materials from the archival collections of the Dominican Archives as well as secondary source materials from the Dominican Library. Physical exhibit held at the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at The City College of New York from October 2008 to January 2009. Accompanied by educational resources for teaching.
A collection of manuscripts and photographs as part of a long-term project entitled “First Blacks in the Americas,” created by the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (DSI). More information available through full project platform.
A sub-collection from digital project of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at The City College of New York devoted to disseminating the work of artists of Dominican descent living in the United States. Features work by artist, storyteller, educator, and theatre director Josefina Báez.
A sub-collection from digital project of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at The City College of New York devoted to disseminating the work of artists of Dominican descent living in the United States. Features work by artist, author, and illustrator Doris Rodríguez.
An exhibit consisting of twelve panels, in which photographs, documents, correspondence, newspaper articles, and short biographies tell the stories of Dominicans that served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. More information available through collection website.
The office of communications and marketing uses JSTOR Forum as internal management for event photographs and videos.