A comprehensive overview of the coastal flood hazards that threaten the city today, as well as how these flood hazards are likely to increase in the future with climate change.
A research tool designed specifically for researchers, faculty, and students in the atmospheric science community. AtmosPeer provides reputable news, current lists of conferences, scholars, funding related to the Atmospheric Sciences, and a social network.
The most useful link on this site is to History of Meteorology, the Commissions peer-reviewed journal. Full text of all articles is available. Other links are of limited utility.
This guide from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a comprehensive collection of links concerned with their disciplines of interest.
Founded by Josh Morgerman , he and his associates chase landfalling hurricanes in the USA, Mexico, and across the world, capturing and sharing the experiences via on-the-spot blogging, social media, and action-packed video footage.
Science/Engineering Library
Room J-29, Marskak Science Building
City College of New York
Convent Ave. & 138 St.
New York, NY 10031
Email me at: pbarnett@ccny.cuny.edu