This guide is meant to give an overview of materials and resources available at CCNY Libraries for researchers working in the area of education. Use the menu on the left to find more details on each area.
Ready to jump in? Here are a few links to get you started on your research in education:
Article literature is expansively indexed by the two main databases in the education field, ERIC and Education Source.
Statistical information is often central to educational research. Visit the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to find data on all areas of education
Managing all the materials you find is a key to success. Use a tool like RefWorks or Zotero to save, organize and output all those citations.
Ask me when you get stuck! I'm here to help you with your research needs. My contact information is on this page. I am available for research consultations by appointment.
If you have more questions, ask a librarian!
Sarah Cohn
Reference Desk
Text: (646) 350-2717
Email: Submit a question