If you see the button in a database, it means the full-text of the article is not available in that database. If you click the button, one of two things will happen.
Create an Inter Library Loan account here. You will need your library barcode number, found on the back of your student ID.
To request articles through Inter Library Loan from a library database
To request articles through Inter Library Loan from outside a library database
More information on ILL policies and procedures.
When off-campus, login to library databases using your CityMail username and password.
You'll see the following login screen:
Use the chat pop up on this page to get real time help from a CUNY Librarian, or submit your question via an online form here.
For individualized help on research projects, schedule an appointment with a librarian.
Sarah Cohn
If you have more questions, ask a librarian!
Sarah Cohn
Reference Desk
Text: (646) 350-2717
Email: reference@ccny.cuny.edu
Submit a question