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Townsend Harris: Resources

This research guide is intended to help you locate print and electronic resources on Townsend Harris accessible in the CCNY Archives and libraries, as well as from off campus.


   The Japan Connection: The 150th Anniversary of Townsend Harris's Arrival in Japan

A digital exhibit on Townsend Harris curated by Prof. Sydney Van Nort in 2006. Includes images of photographs, letters, documents, and other archival materials in the Harris Collection housed in the CCNY Archives and Special Collection.

Adrift at Shimoda      Adrift at Shimoda
This website includes an annotated transcription of the letter of Townsend Harries addressed to the Hon. Lewiss Cass dated on September 11, 1858. The annotation and the website were created by the students of the Spring 2014 Honors World Civilizations class with Prof. Barbara Syrrakos at The City College of New York.

The City College Libraries: Archives and Special Collection

Our Townsend Harris collection includes Harris's letters and papers, as well as photographs, pamphlets, correspondence, copies of speeches, books and miscellaneous ephemera connected with Harris. Please contact us at 212.650.7609 or for questions and appointment.

シティ・カレッジ大学図書館: アーカイブ & スペシャル・コレクション

タウンゼンド・ハリス・コレクションはハリスの書簡、古文書、写真、パンフレット、スピーチや公的書類、ハリスに関する書物等を所蔵しています。ハリス・コレクション所蔵品の一部は、夏季に期間限定で特別展示され、一般にも公開されています(アポイントメント要)。詳細、アポイントメントにつきましては212.650.7609 または までご連絡下さい。




Librarian/Chief of Cataloging & MPC Division

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Sean O'Heir
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Chief of the Archives & Special Collection