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Finding OER


Searching for Open Educational Resources (OER)? Check these databases organized by resource type below where you can find OER materials such as course modules, textbooks, and more.


Search Tips

  • Since Open Educational Resources (OER) are hosted widely across the web, we highly recommend starting with the tools linked on our general resource pages (Search Tools, Textbooks & Books, Open Courses and General Repositories) before referencing subject-specific resources.
  • At the moment, many full-length films remain under copyright unless their copyright has expired. We cannot offer them as OER. However, many educators and creators have made OER videos on a wide variety of topics.
    • To find video OER materials, we suggest using the tools on our general resource pages (Search Tools, Textbooks & Books, Open Courses and General Repositories) to find video materials or, if you would like to find videos related to a specific discipline, finding the tab for your subject of interest in our Subject-Specific page.
    • For more video materials, we also recommend referring to the links below. Not all resources in these repositories are necessarily OER, but they are freely accessible online. Please note to check each video for best usage practice since they differ for each resource.

