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Research Toolkit

Answers for common research questions.

Finding News & Scholarly Articles

CCNY Libraries provides access to hundreds of databases where you can search for peer reviewed articles, news articles, primary sources, and much more. Use the tabs below to get specific instructions on a variety of databases.

Searching for Articles in OneSearch

In addition to using OneSearch for books, you can also use it to find articles, both scholarly and news. To access OneSearch, you can start by using the search box right on the library homepage.

search box

Here you can do a simple search by entering your search terms. For example:

  • Octavia Butler AND realism
  • science fiction AND black women AND young adult literature
  • science fiction OR afrofuturism AND young adult literature

Hint: use the filters on the right hand side of the results page to limit by either peer reviewed article OR news article.

Once you've found an article you want, click on the title. This will open up a longer description of the article.

article description

If the description looks good, click on the green Full Text Available link. This will bring you out of OneSearch and into the database where the full text is available. From there, you should be able to read and download the article. Don't forget to check out the related articles, which are suggested on the left side of this page.

find full text

Watch this short tutorial on using OneSearch to find ebooks and articles.

Multi Disciplinary Databases

Many databases have content in a wide range of topics, so if you're not sure what database to choose, any of these are good starting point. You can see the full list of databases that CCNY Libraries has access to on our Databases A-Z page. If you need help, ask a librarian! Below are some suggested multi disciplinary databases.

Watch this short introduction to the database JSTOR.

Watch this short introduction to the database Academic Search Complete.

Finding Subject Specific Databases

You can see the full list of databases that CCNY Libraries has access to on our Databases A-Z page. databases a to z subject dropdownThere is a dropdown filter for Subject, which allows you to choose a subject and see recommended databases. If you're not sure what database to choose, ask a librarian! Below are some suggested databases for a variety of subjects.

Finding News Specific Databases

CCNY Libraries has multiple databases that focus on news coverage. Below are a few to get you started. You can see many more on our News Research Guide.