Visitors to the Archives are welcome to bring laptops or cameras as well as notebooks and pencils to use while working with material from the collection. For the safety of our collections, all other items (including laptop cases), must be checked into a locked cabinet during the visit.
Reference assistance is available by visiting the archives on the 5th floor of the Cohen Library, calling (212) 650-7609, or email us at We are a small staff and handle all reference inquiries in order of arrival, please be patient with us as we process reference requests.
The collections in the City College Archives and Special Collections Division holds are non-circulating, and as such, we provide technical resources for the reproduction of documents for scholarly research.
One-time, high-resolution image release permission is available for professional and scholarly publications. Please see our fees for permissions below:
Permissions and fees for live-action clips are available case-by-case basis due to the limited amount of audio/visual materials available. There is a separate procedure for written works.
The CCNY Archives & Special Collections accepts materials on a case-by-case basis. The Collection Development Policy outlines the mission of the Archives & Special Collections and our collecting scope. Please get in touch with us for inquiries, at