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Media & Communication Arts

Resources for Media & Communications

Research in Media & Communication Arts

This guide is to provide you with a quick overview of a few resources and other material available at the CCNY Libraries to get you started with your research. For more assistance, feel free to reach out to a librarianBelow are a few fast links to get you started.

Let's get started!

Check out these key databases that focus on media, advertising, business and public relations:

o   Academic OneFile

o   Business Source Complete

o   Communication & Mass Media Complete


We have access to these subscriptions:

o AdWeek

o Harvard Business Review

o PR Newswire

CCNY students, staff and faculty have free access to the NY Times and Wall Street Journal. If you need more help, reach out for a research consultation (in-person or Zoom). My contact information is on the left. I look forward to assisting you!