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Sharing Database Links

Where to find links and when to use a proxy prefix.


The persistent link in JSTOR is called a Stable URL which does not filter through the Library's proxy authentication page for off-campus access. The links do work on campus, but not off campus.



Follow these steps to find the citation, locate the Stable URL link, and combine it with the City College Library's proxy prefix. A screenshot guide can be found below.

  1. Copy the Stable URL that appears at the article level in JSTOR.. This URL will work from anywhere on the City College campus it will also work from any other campus that subscribes to the same database. Off-campus access, however, requires that you create a starting point URL that identifies the user as a City College Library patron.
  2. Create a starting point URL by adding the City College Library's proxy prefix                               in front of the Open URL address (the target URL) listed in the citation. 


1.  Copy the Stable URL that appears at the article level in JSTOR.

Screenshot of article level view in JSTOR displaying the stable URL.



2. Create a starting point URL by adding the City College Library's proxy prefix in front of the Stable URL address (the target URL) listed in the citation. 


Proxy Prefix + Target URL = Starting Point URL 


Creating a database link that works off campus for City College is a simple process.
Add City College Library’s proxy prefix to the target URL attached to the licensed content. 
CCNY Library's EZ Proxy Prefix: 
Target URL:
New Starting Point URL:

This combination of the CCNY Library's proxy prefix in front of the target URL is your new off-campus link. Users who click on the Starting Point URL you created can view the licensed content after they fill out City College Library’s  proxy server authentication form.

City College Library’s  Proxy Server Authentication Form

Image of the City College Library proxy login page