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This guide provides a set of resources, available through the CCNY's Library for beginning research in biology. This list is not exhaustive or comprehensive. Visit our home page for additional resources.

Quick Start

Ready to jump in? Here are a few links to get you started on your research in Biology:


  • One Search is the CCNY mega catalog which combines  in one searchable place three things: the CUNY library catalog; a massive index of articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers; and unique digital content from the library. The purpose of a discovery service is to allow you to search quickly and seamlessly across a vast range of local and remote content while providing relevancy-ranked results in the type of intuitive interface.


  • You will need to organize your sources and cite them using citation tools,  such as RefWorks, Zotero, and EndNote.


I am available to help you with your research needs. Please email me first at

to describe your research needs. We will decide if you need a Zoom meeting or a face to face consultation. 

Please keep in mind that this research guide has additional resources that may be more suitable for your issue.  

Dowload LibKey Nomad: a browser add-on

LibKey Nomad automatically provides instant links to full text content for article subscribed to by your library - or open access alternatives - as you do research on the web and come across literature.