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Biology: Citing Sources

This guide provides a set of resources, available through the CCNY's Library for beginning research in biology. This list is not exhaustive or comprehensive. Visit our home page for additional resources.

How Do I Know if I am Plagiarizing?

Plagiarism can be intentional and obvious, such as buying or copying a paper.
Plagiarism can be unintentional, such as:

  • Forgetting to use quotation marks on a quote
  • Forgetting to cite a source
  • Using too many words from other sources and not enough of your own words

Citation Styles


RefWorks allows you to:

  • Find, access, and capture research materials from virtually any source, in PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, or HTML format, and store in a central workspace that is accessible from anywhere and requires no syncing
  • Automatically generate bibliographies and authoritative citations in any of thousands of available citation styles, or using customized or institutional styles
  • Take advantage of powerful tools such as tags, folders, full-text searching, and deduplication to access and organize references
  • Collaborate on group projects, and edit as a team online and in real time
  • Use Google Docs and Microsoft Word add-ins

The EndNote EndNote 20 (The Latest version)

EndNote X9 Windows pc or Apple Macintosh (macOS 10.10 and above).