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CCNY Libraries are open regular hours. Access is limited to CCNY ID holders only.

Architecture: Databases and Indexes

Key Architecture Journals



Open Access

Key Architecture Databases and Indexes

Other Recommended Databases

OFF-Campus access to CCNY Databases

Off-Campus Access

You must be a current CCNY student, faculty, or staff with an active I.D. in the library system.
You must have a valid City College e-mail account.
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Enter CCNY Email: username & password

Example: If your email address is username is jsmith Enter password: your designated email password. Don’t know or remember your CCNY email PASSWORD? Go to CCNY Account & Password Reset:

Having difficulty? Visit the IT Service Desk, first floor of the Cohen Library (NAC 1/301). Phone: (212) 650-7878, or Email:

General Interest Articles

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