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Architecture: Race & the Built Environment

Cultural Competency in Architecture, Higher Education, and Everyday Life

Welcome to the CCNY Architecture Library page on diversity, equity, and inclusion! This guide includes resources on race, gender, justice within the built environment, and cultural competence in the hiring process. A portion of the content was Adapted from Columbia University’s Race and the Built Environment guide and Dr. Cris Clifford Cullinan’s manual on Hiring for Cultural Competence.

Visit our featured display "Diversity – Cultural Competency – Race in the Built Environment"

Browse, Borrow, and Read more! Topics range from race relations to social justice, antiracism, and cultural diversity in hiring practices. The resources are selective and include both electronic and print materials. For similar titles, Explore: City College OneSearch. Contact the Architecture Librarian at any time with suggestions or recommendations.

Resources for Cultural Competence

Architects / Architecture Resources

Books on Display: Cultural Competence in Academia

Diversity & Inclusion

The Fire This Time

The Fire This Time

On Diversity Book Display

Diversity Explosion

Diversity Explosion

On Diversity Book Display

Race & the Built Environment

