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Architecture: Job Seeking Strategies

Step 1: Get Started

Step: 4 Cover Letter & Resume

Career & Professional Development Institute @ CCNY

Services available...

  • Resume and cover letter critiques/writing
  • Job/Internship Search Strategies
  • Interview Prep
  • Deciding on a Major
  • Exploring Careers
  • Graduate School Application Reviews, and many more

Refer to these practical guides for architects or other design professional looking for a good job. Currently available in the Architecture Library, Spitzer bldg., 101

Step 2: Research Potential Employer

  • Research the firm/company of your prospective employer
  • Create a list of architectural firms of interest, and frequently review their website for new positions.
  • Explore the architectural firm’s website. Google search a specific firm name.  Be sure to use quotes, Example: "Kohn Pederson Fox Associates"
  • Check the newspaper(s) and local listings
  • Use the library databases to find articles on a particular architectural firm and organizations of interest.

Step: 5 Salary Information

Step 3: Portfolio Design

Prospective employers in architecture and other related fields generally require a portfolio of your work as part of the application process. Consult the following titles to assist you in preparing a effective portfolio. Available in the Architecture Library, Spitzer bldg., 101